How Your Dog’s Personality Helps Guide Playgroup Creation
Ever heard the saying that people start to look like their pets? Numerous studies have shown that the appearances AND personalities of dogs and their pet parents often mirror one another.
Have you ever seen a Doberman looking dapper as it marches down the street with its parent – in matching sweaters?
Is your next-door neighbor’s Pomeranian as persnickety as he is?
Do your cousins and their cockapoos love to be couch potatoes in their PJs?
Like humans, our dogs’ personalities are said to change as the animal grows and experiences new things. That often includes the quirks, qualities, and traits of its owner.
So, it stands to reason that dogs with certain traits – say, outgoing and energetic, or anxious and shy – often find their pet parents who have similar behavioral patterns, wants, and needs and emotions.
There’s no doubt about it: the bond between pet parents and their dogs is one of a kind.
The Fit ‘N’ Furry team understands how each dog is a unique individual and there’s not a “one-size-fits-all” when finding the best playtime and doggie daycare situation. We work hard to ensure the best fit for your pooch. Whether it’s group or individualized play, we’re having fun seven days a week. Daycare is designed to build socialization skills with other dogs and people – all while ensuring your pet is matched with others who share similar traits.
To ensure all the dog’s needs are addressed, guests are assessed during their first visit so our staff can get to know them better. From there, your dog is introduced to a playgroup that is customized to its size, energy level, and unique personality. If they prefer human attention, our loving staff will do all the activities your dog craves. From ball toss to a run or even snuggles, we’ll do their favorite things.
Our playgroups are tailored to both small and large breeds, and our professional caretakers routinely reassess them to gauge the mood and energy level of our guests. Adjustments can then be made accordingly, ensuring your pet has a consistent and complimentary “pack” of playtime pals.
Days at Fit ‘N’ Furry are filled with exercise and excitement in supervised play yards, giving your pet plenty of opportunities to run, jump, and explore, while satisfying their sense of adventure and community.
Why not schedule your first visit today and give your dog’s personality a chance to shine?